This is an article in two parts. It is a summary of material published in peer-reviewed ophthalmic journals. For more detailed information, please refer to the papers in the bibliography and the various articles cited in those papers.
Part I of this article is intended to give basic information about ischemic optic neuropathy in lay persons' term.
Dr. Hayreh does not give an opinion without personally examining a patient; he feels that to do so is unethical and also potentially dangerous.
Ocular Vascular Clinic
Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences
Carver College of Medicine
University of Iowa
Iowa City, Iowa
Schematic Representation Of Blood Supply of: (A) The Optic Nerve Head And (B) The Optic Nerve.
Abbreviations: A = arachnoid; C= choroid; CRA= central retinal artery; Col. Br.= Collateral branches; CRV= central retinal vein; D= dura; LC= lamina cribrosa; NFL= surface nerve fiber layer of the disc; OD= optic disc; ON= optic nerve; P= pia; PCA= posterior ciliary artery; PR and PLR= prelaminar region; R= retina; RA= retinal arteriole; S= sclera; SAS= subarachnoid space.
A Reproduced With Permission From Hayreh 1978 [16]. B Modified From Hayreh, S.S. 1974 [8].