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Cataract Surgery: From One Medical Student to Another
by Paul Boeke and Thomas Oetting, MD
Cataract Surgery for Greenhorns, an eBook for those learning the art and science of cataract surgery by Thomas Oetting, MS, MD. SEE ALSO: Cataract Surgery for Greenhorns, the training plan [pdf] and Dr. Oetting's Cataract Surgery for Greenhorns blog.
Cataract Surgery Videos on Facebook by Thomas Oetting, MS, MD, et al.
Conversion to Extra-capsular Cataract Extraction (ECCE) by Thomas Oetting, MD
Intraocular lenses for presbyopia by Tim Johnson, MD, PhD
Iris Prolapse: The History of this Ancient (and Present) Surgical Challenge by Steven M. Christiansen, MD and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
Ophthalmology Wet Lab: Basic Setup by Brian Privett, MD and Christopher Watts, MD (9 mins.) See also the Iowa Ophthalmology Wet Lab page
Patient Communication during Cataract Surgery: An EyeRounds Tutorial by Jason P. Brinton, MD and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
Phacoemulsification: Considerations for Astigmatism Management, a tutorial and case by Jason P. Brinton, MD and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
Phacoemulsification Surgical Instrument Tray Updated and revised by Elizabeth Gauger, MD
Ten Tips to Prevent and Treat Iris Prolapse by Steven M. Christiansen, MD and Thomas A. Oetting, Ms, MD
Comprehensive Ophthalmology
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The Two-Minute Eye Exam by John Sutphin, MD
Refraction Tutorial by Todd Zarwell, OD, FAAO
General Ophthalmology Surgical Instrument Tray photos by Robert Dinn, MD
Cornea and Anterior Segment
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Basic Cornea Surgical Instrument Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
Cornea Culture by Lorraine Provencher, MD (EyeRounds tutorial video, Approx. 5 minutes)
Corneal Imaging by Miles Greenwald, BS, Brittni Scruggs, MD, PhD, Jesse Vislisel, MD, and Mark Greiner, MD
Corneal Stromal Dystrophies: A Clinicopathologic Review by Emily S. Birkholz, MD, Nasreen A. Syed, MD, and Michael D. Wagoner, MD, PhD
Corneal Transplant Surgical Transplant Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
Corneal Transplantation: From Donor to Recipient by Chase Liaboe, BA, Jesse M. Vislisel, MD, Gregory A. Schmidt, CEBT, Mark A. Greiner, MD
Corneal Transplantation, An Introduction by Christina Donaghy, BS, Jesse M. Vislisel, MD, Mark A. Greiner, MD
DSEK Instrument Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
Eye Transillumination by Randy Verdick, FOPS, W.L.M. Alward, MD
Developed at The University of Iowa, Infrared (IR) and visible light transillumination is a quick and easy method of examining the Iris, Sclera, and Eyelid.
Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy: From One Medical Student to Another by Bryce Shonka, BS, Aaron D. Dotson, MD, Mark A. Greiner, MD
Laser Refractive Surgery: From One Medical Student to Another
by Reid Turner, Steve McCaughey, Anna Kitzmann, MD
LASEK/PRK Instrument Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
LASIK Instrument Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
Thygeson's Superficial Punctate Keratitis by John Sutphin, MD
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Glaucoma / Iris
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Diaton Tonometry: A Video Tutorial by Justin Risma MD, Shandiz Tehrani MD, John H, Fingert MD PhD, WLM Alward MD, Young H Kwon MD PhD
Medical management of glaucoma: A primer by William Flanary, MD, Lorraine Myers (Provencher), MD, and WLM Alward, MD
Glaucoma Surgery Instrument Tray photos by Robert Dinn, MD Video Atlas of Gonioscopy. Lectures and photographs by W.L.M. Alward, MD and the Glaucoma Service of The University of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences.
Iowa Glaucoma Curriculum, by Wallace L. M. Alward, MD -- Glaucoma in fifty bite-sized lectures that average 14 minutes in length (range 4 to 37 minutes). In total the curriculum is just under 12 hours long. It is highly visual with >900 images and >90 movie clips. Highly recommendednew
MIGS: Minimally Invasive Glaucoma Surgery by Austin R. Fox, MD, Tyler B. Risma, MD, Jason P. Kam, MD, Daniel I. Bettis, MD
Primary Open Angle Glaucoma: From One Medical Student to Another
by Christine Petersen and Wallace L. M. Alward, MD
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Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy by Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, MS, PhD, DSc, FRCS, FRCOphth
Giant Cell Arteritis (Temporal Arteritis) by Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, MS, PhD, DSc, FRCS, FRCOphth
How to grade papilledema [Grading Primer and Self Test] by Randy H. Kardon, MD, PhD and Michael Wall, MD
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor Cerebri) by Michael Wall, MD
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor cerebri): From One Medical Student to Another by Zachary Heinzman and Michael Wall, MD
Nystagmus {Treatment of Nystagmus and Saccadic Oscillations} by Matthew J. Thurtell, MBBS FRACP and John J. Brinkley, MD
Optic Neuritis: From One Medical Student to Another by Joshua Locker with John Chen, MD, PhD and Reid Longmuir, MD
Positive Tensilon Tests in the Diagnosis of Myasthenia Gravis by Richard J. Olson, MD and H. Stanley Thompson, MD
Temporal Artery Biopsy, [video] by Richard Allen, MD, PhD
Temporal Artery Biopsy, [video] by Sean P. Donohue, Jane B. Mizener, Randall E. Verdick, Randy H. Kardon.
Visual Field Testing: From One Medical Student to Another
by Joy N. Carroll and Chris A. Johnson, PhD
Weight Management in Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: A Tutorial by Nikhil V. Batra, BS, Prashant K. Parekh, MD, MBA, Michael Wall, MD
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Ophthalmic Pathology
See the NEI's Cogan Ophthalmic Pathology Collection (be patient, it loads slowly). This link will take you away from the EyeRounds site
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Oculoplastic Surgery, Orbit, Eyelids, Lacrimal
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Benign Lesions of the External Periocular Tissues by Lucas T. Lenci, MD, Christopher A. Kirkpatrick, MD, TJ Clark, MD, Amanda C. Maltry, MD, Nasreen A. Syed, MD, Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD; Erin M. Shriver, MD
Emergent Evaluation of Eyelid Lacerations: A guide for ophthalmology residents by T.J.E. Clark, MD and Erin M. Shriver, MD
Lateral Canthotomy and Cantholysis by Jordan Rixen, Randall Verdick, Richard Allen, Keith Carter
Lower Eyelid Malpositions by Grace Lee, BS; Ryan J. Diel, MD; Brittany A. Simmons, MD; Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD; Chau M. Pham, MD; Keith D. Carter, MD, FACS; Erin M. Shriver, MD, FACS
Malignant Lesions of the External Periocular Tissues by Lucas T. Lenci, MD; Sebastian J. Sciegienka; Christopher A. Kirkpatrick, MD, T.J. Clark, MD; Nasreen A. Syed, MD; Erin M. Shriver, MD
Oculoplastics Instrument Tray, Basic by Madeliene Stump, BA, Lindsay K. McConnell, MD, Harinderpal S. Chahal, MD, Erin M. Shriver, MD, FACS
Oculoplastics Bone Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
A Primer on Ptosis by Wesley Klejch, BS; Jesse M. Vislisel, MD; Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD
Oculoplastic Surgical Techniques by Richard Allen, MD, PhD - over 100 short videos
Thyroid Eye Disease by Chase A. Liaboe, BA, Thomas J. Clark, MD; Keith D. Carter, MD; Erin M. Shriver, MD
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Optics and Refraction
Optics Review, 2nd ed. by Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, FAAO and Khadija S. Shahid, OD, MPH
Refraction Techniques, (includes videos) by Mark E. Wilkinson, OD, FAAO
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Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus
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Amblyopia: From One Medical Student to Another by Logan Wolfel, BA; Tina Hendricks, MD; and Pavlina Kemp, MD
Improving Patient Compliance to Occlusion Therapy for Amblyopia: A Tutorial by Prashant K. Parekh, MD, MBA, Mark Frommelt, BS, Scott A. Larson, MD
How to Perform a Basic Cover Test in Ocular Misalignment or Strabismus [video]. by Christopher Kirkpatrick, MD and Tony Klauer
Binocular Vision by Rahul Bhola, MD (also available as a pdf file)
Intermittent Exotropia: A Major Review by Rahul Bhola, MD
Pediatric Spectacle Prescription and Retinoscopy Made Simple: A Tutorial by Jacob Evans, BS, Tyler Risma, MD, and Alina Dumitrescu, MD
Strabismus Surgical Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
Vision Screening for Amblyopia by Christina L. Donaghy, BS and Scott A. Larson, MD
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Retina & Vitreous
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Age-Related Macular Degeneration/Age-Related Maculopathy: A Histopathologic Analysis by Elizabeth A. Faidley, Jessica M. Skeie, and Robert F. Mullins, PhD
Age-Related Macular Degeneration: From One Medical Student to Another
by Jaclyn Haugsdal and Elliott Sohn, MD
Diabetic Retinopathy: From One Medical Student to Another
Jesse Vislisel and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
Intravitreal Injection Technique: A Primer for Ophthalmology Resident and Fellows. (with video) by Lorraine Myers (Provencher), MD; David Almeida MD PhD, Michael Abràmoff MD, PhD.
Learning to use the PASCAL laser system; a part of on-going professional development by Alex W. Cohen, MD, PhD, Gina M. Rogers, MD, and Jordan M. Graff, MD
Ocular ultrasound: A quick reference guide for the on-call physician by Aaron Fairbanks BS, Lorraine Myers (Provencher) MD, William Flanary MD, Laura Warner, H. Culver Boldt MD
Retina Surgical Instrument Tray by Robert Dinn, MD
Retinal Detachment: From One Medical Students to Another by Austin Strohbehn and Elliott H. Sohn, MD
Retisert Implantation by Jordan Graff, MD, Thomas A. Oetting, MD (EyeRounds Facebook Video)
Vitrectomy Instrumentation photographs and index by Jordan M. Graff, MD
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Systemic Disorders
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Diabetic Retinopathy: From One Medical Student to Another,
Jesse Vislisel and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
Diabetic retinopathy is a neurodegenerative disorder by Stephanie K. Lynch, MD and Michael D. Abramoff, MD, PhD. Pre-press manuscript of a paper in Vision Research, Special Issue on Diabetic Retinopathy, 2017 [in press].
Thyroid Eye Disease by Chase A. Liaboe, BA, Thomas J. Clark, MD; Keith D. Carter, MD; Erin M. Shriver, MD
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Trauma and Surgery
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Assessment & Management of Ocular Trauma by Sudeep Pramanik, M.B.A., M.D.
Emergent Evaluation of Eyelid Lacerations: A guide for ophthalmology residents
by T.J.E. Clark, MD and Erin M. Shriver, MD
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Awareness: ASK, ASSESS, REFER
Ophthalmology Surgery Instrument Trays photographs by Robert Dinn, MD and Jordan M. Graff, MD
Retrobulbar and Common Nerve Blocks in Ophthalmology by Sudeep Pramanik, M.B.A., M.D., and Andrew Doan, M.D., Ph.D.
Suture and Tying Techniques (Video and slide set) by Leo J. Maguire, MD, Mayo Clinic, used with permission
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Vascular Ophthamic Disorders
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Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy (AION) by Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, MS, PhD, DSc, FRCS, FRCOphth
Central Retinal Vein Occlusion (CRVO) by Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, MS, PhD, DSc, FRCS, FRCOphth
Giant Cell Arteritis (Temporal Arteritis) by Sohan Singh Hayreh, MD, MS, PhD, DSc, FRCS, FRCOphth
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Vision Rehabilitation
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Vision Rehabilitation: Overview by Mark Wilkinson, OD, FAAO
Guiding the Blind or Visually Impaired: Techniques for Sighted Guides by Mark Wilkinson, OD, FAAO
Vision Rehabilitation Assistive Technology by Mark Wilkinson, OD, FAAO and Khadija S. Shahid, OD, MPH
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Related Topics
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Anatomy of the Eye: A Study Guide by Ben Glasgow, MD
Artificial Tears by Tressa Larson, OD
The Bedside Ocular Exam by Jesse Vislisel, MD and Nasreen Syed, MD
Contributing to EyeRounds by Christopher Kirkpatrick, MD and Thomas Oetting, MS, MD
Delivering Bad News and Discussing Surgical Complications: Real World Advice for Physicians Everywhere by Steven Christiansen, MD and Thomas Oetting, MS, MD
Finding your first job in ophthalmology: a guide for residents by Angela McAllister, MD MPH, Elizabeth Gauger, MD, Thomas Oetting, MS, MD
International Ophthalmology Opportunities by Janet Tsui, MD
Intimate Partner Violence (IPV) Awareness: Ask, Assess, Refer
The Iowa Guide to the Ophthalmology Match [REVISED and UPDATED] by Jesse Vislisel, MD
also see: Comprehensive Approach for Application to an Ophthalmology Residency
by Chris Watts, MD
The Iowa Ophthalmology On-Call Survival Guide
Pascal Argon Laser: getting started by Alex Cohen MD PhD, Gina Rogers MD, Thomas A. Oetting MS MD
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For Medical Students
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Cataract Surgery: From One Medical Student to Another
by Paul Boeke and Thomas Oetting, MD
Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy:
From One Medical Student to Another by Bryce Shonka, BS, Aaron D. Dotson, MD, Mark A. Greiner, MD
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension (Pseudotumor cerebri): From One Medical Student to Another by Zachary Heinzman and Michael Wall, MD
Laser Refractive Surgery: From One Medical Student to Another
by Reid Turner, Steve McCaughey, Anna Kitzmann, MD
Primary Open Angle Glaucoma: From One Medical Student to Another
by Christine Petersen and Wallace L. M. Alward, MD
Optic Neuritis: From One Medical Student to Another by Joshua Locker with John Chen, MD, PhD and Reid Longmuir, MD
Visual Field Testing: From One Medical Student to Another
by Joy N. Carroll and Chris A. Johnson, PhD
Age-Related Macular Degeneration: From One Medical Student to Another
by Jaclyn Haugsdal and Elliott Sohn, MD
Diabetic Retinopathy: From One Medical Student to Another
Jesse Vislisel and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
Retinal Detachment: From One Medical Students to Another by Austin Strohbehn and Elliott H. Sohn, MD
Diabetic Retinopathy: From One Medical Student to Another,
Jesse Vislisel and Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD
The Iowa Guide to the Ophthalmology Match [REVISED and UPDATED] by Jesse Vislisel, MD
also see: Comprehensive Approach for Application to an Ophthalmology Residency
by Chris Watts, MD
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We thank the Iowa Eye Association: Friends and Alumni of the Univeristy of Iowa Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences
Author. Title. date posted; Available from:
example: Mullaney S, Vislisel J, Maltry A, Boldt HC. Choroidal Malignant Melanoma: 58-year-old female with pigmented retinal lesion and exudative retinal detachment. July 8, 2014; available from
Featured Case:
MOG-IgG Associated Optic Neuritis
Pathologic Myopia: 69-year-old woman presented for evaluation of decreased vision and "wavy lines" in the right eye for approximately one week.
Nanophthalmos with Ocular Hypertension and Angle-Closure: 37-year-old woman presented as a referral from her local eye doctor who found that her intraocular pressure (IOP) was high on routine eye examination.
Laser Pointer Maculopathy: 17-year-old previously healthy female who presented with acute vision loss in the right eye after playing with a sibling at home.
Brow Ptosis Correction: Direct Browplasty and Progression of Facial Scars: The direct browplasty is a surgical technique that corrects brow ptosis (droopy eyebrows) by excising excess skin above the brows.
Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment: 71-year-old man presented with 2 weeks of blurred vision and curtain-like vision loss obscuring the inferior portion of his left visual field.
Use of cyanoacrylate glue for an exposed orbital implant: 68-year-old man with left anophthalmia secondary to childhood trauma presented with exposure of his tantalum mesh orbital implant.