University of Iowa Health Care

Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Direct Ophthalmoscopy

Richard C. Allen, MD, PhD, FACS
Additional Notes: Length 00:46

In using the direct ophthalmoscope, one should initially examine the patient from a distance to obtain a red reflex.  The wheel of the ophthalmoscope should be rotated in order to obtain an in focus image of the red reflex.  The examiner should then move closer to the patient, focusing with the wheel of the ophthalmoscope to obtain a view of the retina.  The right eye of the patient should be examined with the right eye of the examiner, and the left eye of the patient should be examined with the left eye of the examiner.  One almost needs to get uncomfortably close to the patient in order to obtain a view of the fundus. 

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December 19, 2016

last updated: 01/12/2017
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