University of Iowa Health Care

Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Open globe

Contributor: Andrew Doan, MD, PhD, University of Iowa

Category: Trauma

open globe

car verses eye (above)
fist verses eye (below)

open globe

Open globe

Open globe

Open globe with corneal laceration due to bungee cord injury.


Ruptured Globe due to Blunt Eye Injury


  • Retina / Vitreous
  • Trauma

Contributor: Aaron M. Ricca, MD

September 18, 2017

49-year-old male was slapped in the face and a finger went into his left eye rupturing his globe at the superonasal limbus with iris prolapse through the wound. This slit-lamp photograph (top) demonstrates disruption of his anterior segment anatomy with iridodialysis and hyphema.

The B-scan ultrasound (bottom) demonstrates a vitreous hemorrhage without a retinal detachment.

This 49-year-old male was slapped in the face and a finger went into his left eye rupturing his globe at the superonasal limbus with iris prolapse through the wound. This slit-lamp photograph (top) demonstrates disruption of his anterior segment anatomy with iridodialysis and hyphema. The B-scan ultrasound (bottom) demonstrates a vitreous hemorrhage without a retinal detachment.

Creative Commons License
Ophthalmic Atlas Images by, The University of Iowa are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

last updated: 09-18-2017; posted: 02-08-2008