University of Iowa Health Care

Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

EyeRounds Online Atlas of Ophthalmology

Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome

Contributor: Elizabeth Gauger, MD, The University of Iowa

Photographer: D. Brice Critser, CRA

Category: Glaucoma / Iris

Aug 13, 2012 Pseudoexfoliation syndromePseudoexfoliation syndrome

91-year-old female with longstanding history of pseudoexfoliation syndrome. These photos illustrate a inferiorly displaced posterior chamber intraocular lens located in the capsular bag. Notice the pseudoexfolation material on the superior zonules.

No one may use these photographs for financial gain without written authorization from the contributor.

Creative Commons License
Ophthalmic Atlas Images by, The University of Iowa are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.

last updated: 06/27/2015
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