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Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Pseudostreaks (Senile Atrophic Lines)

Pseudostreaks (Senile Atrophic Lines)

Category(ies): Retina, Vitreous
Contributor: Eric Chin, MD
Photographer: Carol Chan, CRA

Pseudostreaks are also known as 'senile atrophic lines'. They are mild peripapillary streaks that are a separate entity than angioid streaks. They have a benign course and a slightly different clinical appearance (i.e. peripapillary heloicoidal choroidal atrophy).

Pseudostreaks are unlikely to cause choroidal neovascularization, but may be associated with retinal telangiectasis.

This 83-year-old female presented for age-related macular degeneration evaluation. She had noticed gradual decreased vision in her right eye worse than her left, but denied any acute changes.

Her best corrected visual acuity was 20/200 in the right eye and 20/25 in the left eye.

Fundus exam revealed bilateral helicoid peripapillary atrophy with senile streaks (arrows) emanating from the optic nerves. The macula of the right eye had atrophy and mild subretinal fibrosis, and the left eye had atrophy and mild pigmentary mottling.

  1. Gandorfer A, Ulbig M, Bechmann M, et al. Retianl telangiectasis and angioid streaks. Br J Ophthalmol. 2000;84:1327-8.
  2. Quaranta M, Cohen SY, Krott R, et al. Indocyanine green videoangiography of angioid streaks. Am J Ophthalmol 1995;119:136-142.

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