Ocular Migraine Phenomena
(18 sec)
This is an artist's rendering of photopsia. The video was created for UIHC Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences by Juan Carlos Nieto, Thomas A. Weingeist, PhD, MD, and Michael Abramoff, MD, PhD.
These perceived flashes of light are relatively common symptoms. There are many possible causes. The flashes may be associated with migraine aura with or without headache, posterior vitreous detachment, retinal break or detachment, occipital lobe infarction, and sensory deprivation (ophthalmopathic hallucinations).
If video fails to load, use this link: http://vimeo.com/161770625
Migraine Scintillation
(27 sec)
This is an artist's rendering of the scintillation seen in ocular migraines (scintillating fortification) Scotoma). Created for UIHC Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences by Juan Carlos Nieto, Thomas A. Weingeist, PhD, MD, and Michael Abramoff, MD, PhD.
If video fails to load, use this link: http://vimeo.com/161770623