University of Iowa Health Care

Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Lenticular Intraocular Foreign Body (IFOB)

Thomas A. Oetting, MS, MD; Jamie Coombs, MD

This video is of a case that Drs. Jamie Coombs and Tom Oetting performed late one night on call. The patient had been hammering metal and noted a sudden change with discomfort and foreign body sensation that got better for a day and then got worse. He presented to clinic 4 days later, where a full-thickness laceration of the cornea (sealed) and fibrinous reaction in the anterior chamber with a dense cataract was noted. His pupil did not dilate well, but one could see that the anterior capsule was involved and that there was an intraocular metallic foreign body on head CT.


Additional Notes: length 4:46

also see related Eyerounds case

last updated: 08-23-2010
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