University of Iowa Health Care

Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Intra-Operative Malignant Glaucoma Treated with Iridozonulohyaloidotomy (IZH)

Daniel Bettis, MD
Twitter: @DanBettisMD

Additional Notes: Length 05:32

Posted February 6, 2018

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This is challenging case involving a patient with a history of malignant glaucoma (aka aqueous misdirection) in the fellow eye, which had developed in the post-operative setting. With this history, we planned to perform an iridozonulohyaloidotomoy (IZH) disrupt the anterior hyaloid face and prevent it from developing in this eye. As you'll see, we encountered malignant glaucoma very early and performed the IZH with the cataract still in place. Here we discuss the case, potential alternatives, and what to watch for during cataract extraction following early IZH. This patient has done very well, with 20/20 vision and a well-controlled intraocular pressure on one medication.

last updated: 02/06/2018
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