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Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Choroidal Detachments

Choroidal Detachments

Category(ies): Retina, Vitreous
Contributor: Eric Chin, MD

Additional Entry

Choroidal Detachments

Choroidal Detachments

Category(ies): Retina, Vitreous
Contributors: : H. Culver Boldt, MD and Robert B. Dinn, MD, University of Iowa
Echo Choroidal Detachment
B-scan echography further reveals the extent of the choroidal detachment.
Echo Choroidal Detachment - Additional
This view with the B-scan echography shows the extent of the choroidal detachment anteriorly to the ciliary body.

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Ophthalmic Atlas Images by, The University of Iowa are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.