Open globe
Andrew Doan, MD, PhD, University of Iowa
Category: Trauma
car verses eye (above)
fist verses eye (below)
Ruptured Globe due to Blunt Eye Injury
- Retina / Vitreous
- Trauma
Contributor: Aaron M. Ricca, MD
September 18, 2017
This 49-year-old male was slapped in the face and a finger went into his left eye rupturing his globe at the superonasal limbus with iris prolapse through the wound. This slit-lamp photograph (top) demonstrates disruption of his anterior segment anatomy with iridodialysis and hyphema. The B-scan ultrasound (bottom) demonstrates a vitreous hemorrhage without a retinal detachment.
Ophthalmic Atlas Images by, The University of Iowa are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.