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Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences

Christmas Tree Cataract

Christmas Tree Cataract

Contributors: Elizabeth Gauger, MD and Anna Kitzmann, MD
Photographer: Stefani Karakas, CRA
Category(ies): Cataract
Posted: July 31, 2013

Christmas tree decoration cataract or polychromatic cataract
Christmas tree decoration cataract or polychromatic cataract
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  2. Shun-Shin GA, Vrensen GF, Brown NP, Willekens B, Smeets MH, Bron AJ. Morphologic characteristics and chemical composition of Christmas tree cataract. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1993 Dec;34(13):3489-96
  3. Obi EE. A Christmas tree cataract. BMJ 2010;341:c6644

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